The most important thing is that a dosing pump for the aquarium must be precise and reliable. That is why dosing pumps up to 6-channel systems are available in many variations in our store.
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Dosing pumps
Why using a dosing pump is so particularly popular?
A dosing pump is popular because it constantly balances the consumption of corals on, for example, calcium, carbonate hardness and magnesium.
You calculate the consumption of the corals yourself by the difference of 2 water test points over a number of days (from via automatic water measurements), with this measurement result you can set the dosing pump, so the dosing pump can dose the desired amount of liquid in the aquarium.
Regarding stock solutions, the substances are (ie kH, Calcium etc) obtained using dosing pumps added to the aquarium.
Dosing pumps can meet very different requirements: even liquid plankton solutions, fertilizer, lime water and much more can be dosed regularly. Dosing hoses, liquid containers and easy dosing hose holders for the dosing hoses make use simple.