Easy Reefs Rotifer Freez-Dried Microalgae: For rotifer culture and enrichment
Freez-Dried Microalgae: For rotifer culture and enrichment
For rotifer culture, two Easy Reefs® microalgae species are utilized: Nannochloropsis (80%) and Tetraselmis (20%). For rotifer enrichment, three Easy Reefs® microalgae species are used: Phaeodactylum (33.3%), Nannochloropsis (33.3%), and Tetraselmis (33.3%).
The dosage will depend on the number of rotifers present. The average consumption is approximately 100 mg per liter of rotifer culture per day, with 25% of rotifers being harvested daily.
To maintain a rotifer culture, please follow the instructions below:
- Materials needed: 3 cylinder flasks of 2 L with slow bubbling and rotifer inoculum.
- Food needed: Easy Reefs® Nannochloropsis (80%) and Tetraselmis (20%).
- Culture cycle from strain: 5 days.
- Recommended water density: 1019, although they can be cultured well up to 1024.
- Optimum culture temperature: 22ºC to 25ºC.
The microalgae resuspension must be performed in a blender with 0.5 liters of seawater, following the resuspension instructions.
Rotifers are very sensitive to changes in water parameters. The rotifer population will be adversely affected if the water quality declines. If you notice excessive dirtiness in the cylinder, it is best to filter the rotifers and start the culture in a new, clean flask, adding the necessary amount of microalgae.
It is recommended to insert a glass tube with gentle air bubbling (5-10 bubbles per second) into the graduated flask used for rotifer culture. This air bubbling will ensure a homogeneous mixture in the culture. However, excessive water movement may cause rotifers to lose their eggs, preventing them from hatching.
Feeding is best done twice a day, but due to time constraints, many people tend to feed once a day.
Initial conditions: “Strain” culture with 1000 mL of seawater, number of rotifers ranging from 400 rot/mL to 600 rot/mL, and 100 mg of Easy Reefs® Nannochloropsis (80%) and Tetraselmis (20%).
Instructions: Resuspend 100 mg of Easy Reefs® in 0.5 L of seawater (following instructions) and add to the flask. Add the rotifer inoculum and seawater until the total volume reaches 1 liter.
Initial conditions: 1 L of rotifer culture, which will be nearly clear with no microalgae. Estimated rotifer number: 500 rot/mL. Final conditions: The culture will finish with a volume of 1.4 L containing microalgae.
Instructions: Resuspend 100 mg of Easy Reefs® in 0.5 L of seawater (following instructions) and add 0.4 L to the rotifer culture.
Initial conditions: 1.4 L of rotifer culture, nearly clear with no microalgae. Estimated rotifer number: 500-600 rot/mL. Final conditions: The culture will finish with a volume of 1.8 L containing microalgae.
Instructions: Resuspend 200 mg of Easy Reefs® in 0.5 L of seawater (following instructions) and add 0.4 L to the rotifer culture.
Initial conditions: 1.8 L of rotifer culture, nearly clear with no microalgae. Estimated rotifer number: 600 rot/mL. Final conditions: The culture will finish with a volume of 2 L containing microalgae.
Instructions: Resuspend 300 mg of Easy Reefs® in 0.5 L of seawater (following instructions) and add 0.2 L to the rotifer culture.
Initial conditions: 2 L of rotifer culture, nearly clear with no microalgae. Estimated rotifer number: 700-800 rot/mL.
From this “strain” culture, we will obtain a volume of 0.5 L to initiate a new “strain” culture in another 2 L flask, starting a new culture cycle from day 1.
We will add microalgae to the old “strain” culture, which will now be referred to as the “production” culture, until it reaches 2 L. If the cylinder is quite dirty, we will transfer the culture to a clean flask and continue with the production culture.
Instructions: To the “production” culture, we will add 200 mg of resuspended Easy Reefs® in 0.5 L of seawater. For the “strain” culture, initiate a new cycle from day 1.
Initial conditions: “Strain” culture as in day 2. “Production” culture 2 L with 800 rot/mL, nearly clear with no microalgae.
The “production” culture will be used to harvest 0.5 L every day to feed the aquarium. If you do not feed the aquarium, you must still harvest 0.5 L to feed the rotifers with microalgae. Each time you harvest 0.5 L of rotifers, you will need to add 0.5 L of seawater with 200 mg of resuspended Easy Reefs®. The “production” culture will be maintained until the flask becomes dirty (typically 5-7 days).
Once the “strain” culture reaches day 5, it will be converted into the “production” culture, and a new “strain” culture will be initiated in the manner described on day 5.
Note: If the rotifer number is low, the “strain” culture may not grow well when a new culture is started. To prevent this, we recommend taking 0.5 L of the “strain” culture on day 5, placing it in a clean flask, and starting the “strain” culture as follows:
We will add 200 mg of Easy Reefs® resuspended in 0.5 L of seawater.